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Do good any time, they still need your help. And we are here to help everyone in need and changing their lives in the name of God Almighty.

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You can also send your donation through bank by using following details:
Account Title: Akash
Bank Name: Allied Bank Limited - ABL
Branch Address: Babar Chowk, People Colony No. 02, Faisalabad
Account Number: 001 0097 9041 70016
IBAN Number: PK84ABPA 001 0097 9041 70016
  • How "DLG Ministries" is imapcting lives? Divine Light Of God Ministry

Divine Light of God Ministries Pakistan

We have dedicated their time and efforts to serve and uplift street, orphan, and underprivileged children. In a world where these children often face a lack of hope and struggle to find their place without the guidance and support of their parents, our ministry steps in to fill the void. Through our various initiatives, we provide a safe haven, love, care, and support to these vulnerable children, helping them navigate through life's challenges. We strive to create a warm and loving atmosphere.

How we are making change?

Through our dedicated team of volunteers and staff, we create a family-like environment where these children feel loved, accepted, and encouraged to dream big. We strive to break the cycle of poverty and transform their lives, enabling them to become productive members of society. Divine Light Of God Ministries Pakistan firmly believes that every child deserves a chance at a bright future, regardless of their circumstances.

Help Us In these Causes & Make a Difference

We humbly invite you to join us in this noble cause and make a difference in the lives of these deserving children. Your support can help us provide essential resources, education, healthcare, and emotional support to empower these children and give them a chance at a brighter future. Whether through volunteering your time, making a donation, or spreading awareness about our mission, your contribution can have a profound impact on their lives.